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Explore the magic!


"I want you to know that I appreciate my fans (...) every day of my life. It is your presence, your faith and your loyalty that has given me great strength during difficult times, and it was you who inspired me to work hard and deliver, I owe you. Over the years we became a family. You are all my family."- Michael Jackson

Through his art, humanitarian work, his love for life, sharing his magical aura and greatest wish to bring people together, Michael Jackson gained a unique and mutually loving relationship with his fans like no other star has. A genuine relationship that has transcended time and status. 


Michael loved his fans to the point of invention and in turn, his fans love him the same. Many creating art and music, doing philanthropic work and even creating amazing friendships and relationships all in the name of loving Michael Jackson, all he was an example of and carrying his legacy forward. 


This project is to highlight the people Michael himself, has said carried him forward and to show what kind of creation can come from LOVE and give the change makers a chance to appreciate and be appreciated .

Michael Jackson bowing and embracing a fan onstage
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